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David Irving's "The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor" (Morell) 05.19.23 zip 108 mb. 6h 43m
Full conversion of the PDF document "The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor" (1983) to an audio file, via Espeak. The result is an imperfect but still listenable mp3 of about 6.75 hrs. Listening to books in Espeak requires a little patience, but once you get used to the accent it becomes second nature to listen easily. This zip contains the original book file as a PDF, the file converted to a TXT file (with minor removal of some unnecessary index and numbered content pages). And finally, the result: di_morell.mp3. I hope you enjoy this audio book which required some effort to create.
HOT David Irving: Himmler Discussion 05.18.23 mp3 58 mb. 1h 41m
Perhaps one of historian David Irving's most informative and important casual talks to a small group of amateur historians and German history buffs from August 2013. Absolutely critical information to understanding the real nature of WW2 in Europe and Himmler's role in it. One of the most important files you'll ever listen to.
Richard Carrier: 21 Audio Files 05.01.23 zip 600 mb. var.
This is a zip file containing 21 mp3 files generated with YT-DLP. These are compressed audio files of various Richard Carrier discussions and or debates. The titles of the individual Mp3s give a hint as to the nature of the content, and mirrors their respective titles on YouTube. Individual files and file names may also be downloaded, reviewed, and or played via visiting this folder. (Please remember to Right Click, "Save Link As..." to save files simply presented in directory structures.)
Supreme Court Covid Mandates Hearing - Session 01: 01.07.22 01.09.22 mp3 68 mb. 3h 38m
Absolutely MIND BLOWING FULL AUDIO FROM HEARING (Complete with Drop Outs). Listen as the Supreme Court Justices display their shocking and complete IGNORANCE and FALSE FACTS on so many aspects of the nature the Covid-19 Pandemic, the reality of the current situation, problems with the vaccines, etc. BEYOND SHOCKING! The stupidity of idiot Justice Elena Kagan, etc. is simply jaw dropping!
Dr. Sucharit Bhaki: Vaxxed Organs attacked by their own Bodies! 01.09.22 mp3 8 mb. 16m
Dr. Sucharit Bhaki describes how the vaccines are causing killer lymphocytes to attack the vaxxed organs. This evidence from of new study of autopsied individuals, which clearly shows their spike protein filled organs getting attacked by their own body's immune system. First aired: 12.26.21
EARTH-SHATTERING: Joe Rogan / Dr. Robert Malone Interview 01.09.22 mp3 75 mb. 3h 14m
This is the complete epic Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Robert Malone. This is simply one of the most important podcasts to listen to -- EVER, concerning the Covid-19 Pandemic and the vaccines. Aired: 12.31.21
CCCA Report on Covid-19 Vaccines 01.09.22 mp3 28 mb. 39m
This is the Canadian medical video which Dr. Robert Malone retweeted - which then got him kicked off Twitter! Excellent very professional review of the Pfizer Vaccines and their serious problems both in trials and in field use. Banned everywhere... Aired: 01.30.21
Dr. Malone's Dire Warning to Parents concerning the dangerous vaccination of children. 12.28.21 mp3 3 mb. 4
Dr. Robert Malone, creator of the mRNA technology used in the MRNA based vaccines, comes out with a short public health message to parents warning them NOT to immunize their children. This is of epic importance, if you have a child or grandchild.
Jimmy Dore Reports on Mild Omicron 12.28.21 mp3 12 mb. 35m
Jimmy Dore with a refreshing look at the REAL nature of Omicron - far milder than what the main stream media is pushing!
E. Michael Jones Weighs in on Omicron 12.28.21 mp3 22 mb. 1h 3m
EMJ details his perspective on recent events and the Omicron Variant during this dynamic podcast. Jones is often directly "over the target" and this refreshing exchange proves he still possesses the right stuff.
ER Head Doc Banned for Prescribing Ivermectin 12.28.21 mp3 6 mb. 12m
Stew Peters interviews the former Head of ER, coctor for the small town of Yazoo City, Mississippi - who was actually banned from his own hospital after scripting ivermectin for his patients. Stew Peters, who recently had Covid-19 himself... cured his illness via multi-drug therapy including: Ivermectin! First aired: 12.14.21
Prof. Weinstein Explains Variant Development During A Pandemic 12.28.21 mp3 1 mb. 1m
Leftist Renouned Jewish biology professor Bret Weinstein -- from the infamous Evergreen College, explains the evolution of "treadmill variants" like Omicron, evolving ***FROM the vaccinated*** via breakthrough cases -- when attempting to vaccinate during a pandemic is selected.
Chief Med. Officer of PA Hospital Chain Lying About Variants Being Born in the Unvaxxed 12.28.21 mp3 3 mb. 3m
Chief Medical Officer Gerald Malony, DO (not an M.D.) - of Geisinger Health attempting to blame the unvaccinated for the rise of the Omicron Covid variant and potentially other variants... when it is clearly proven that these types of variants *** arise in the vaccinated ***, when you attempt to vaccinate during a pandemic - which forces and prompts variant evolution on a massive scale! This is the type of garbage, the constant lying about basic medicine, the lack of reporting on the success of early treatments of Covid-19, etc.; that is just the smallest sample of the worthless audiop crap that now fills the American public airways - at the behest of their overlord masters: Big Pharma and the American governmental health organizations such as the FDA.
Neil Oliver Speech: Attack on Our History and Culture 12.28.21 mp3 30 mb. 1h 20m
Whether you live in Britain, Canada, or the United States, the fine words of Neil Oliver here are so correct, so stirring, and so important... I do hope you will give an honest listen... you will not be disappointed and come away all the better person. So inspiring, it will bring a tear to your heart. This speech first given 30.Nov.21, at the New Culture Forum, Smith Lecture to a sold out audience in London.
Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough - FULL VIDEO PROGRAM 12.15.21 mp4 245 mb. 2h 46m
See directly below description. This is the complete video for those who prefer to watch. Special upload!
HOT BOMBSHELL: Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough! Finally. A Critically Important, must listen, must share podcast. Learn the truth and share it. 12.14.21 mp3 56 mb. 2h 46m
Epic uber important, one stop info. supercast covering all aspect of Covid-19 treatment and vaccines. This is without doubt the most important podcast of the year.
The McCullough Report 12.06.21 12.11.21 mp3 18 mb. 58m
Dr. Pete's weekly show on America Outloud. In this episode he comments on Omicron variant"s current vaccine effectiveness (against). Also, at 13:15 into the podcast: Dr. Pete reviews one of the largest latest new published medical studies from the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine pertaining to the old now extinct Alpha variant. This study clearly that shows the Covid Vaccines are LESS THAN 1% significant in the overall survival curves of Covid patients who were inoculated with either Pfizer or Moderna... A very low percentage of additional protection for the risk involved with taking any of these experimental gene therapies. The full paper available here:Comparative Effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 Vaccines in U.S. Veterans by Barbra A. Dickerman, Ph.D., et al, NEJM. Also discussed in this podcast - myocarditis events in athletes falling down on the playing fields all over the world. 2nd half of the show is with Dr. Mark MacDonald regarding the psycho/social aspects of the pandemic.
Dr. Ardis Details Deadly Remdesivir Dangers 12.11.21 mp3 13 mb. 33m
Dr. Ardis continues to blow the whistle on the deadly treatment being given (forced) on hospitalized patients in America and Brazil, and the correspondingly high numbers of deaths resulting from this drug. Remdesivir is being pushed by the U.S. Government as the only inpatient approved Covid-19 treatment. There are other far safer drugs.
Neil Oliver Draws the Line. 12.09.21 mp3 5 mb. 9m
U.K. based Neil Oliver draws the line at mandatory vaccines probably coming to the U.K., just as they are now in Austria, and soon in Germany. Neil echos William Wallace in this great evil to any free humanity. The vaccines are neither safe or effective, a reality U.K. officials might only be able to embrace at the barrel of a gun. So be it, leaders like Neil will lead the fight! 12.04.21
Dr. Ardis: at the Covid Symposium - The Killer Remdesivir! 12.09.21 mp3 46 mb. 48m
Dr. Ardis literally BLOWS THE WHISTLE on the highly dangerous and toxic drug Remdesivir which Dr. Ardis credits with the deaths of 90% who have died from Covid-19 while being hospitalized. This well respected veteran physician lays it on the line as to what works and what does not. The worst thing you can do is for you or your loved ones to be put on Remdesivir (Codenamed: Run-Death-Is-Near.)
Dr. Pete Update: 12.07.21 w/Dark Horse Podcast 12.08.21 mp3 21 mb. 1h 13m
Excellent medically oriented update regarding Covid-19 vaccines and early treatment. Lots of ground covered here in this important podcast. Well educated announcer digs deep into Covid public policy in America and the corresponding ethics with Dr. McCullough... don't miss it!
HOT Dr. Pete Speech: at the Covid Symposium 12.07.21 mp3 34 mb. 50m
Dr. Peter McCullough with an excellent update report given at the Covid Symposium which was held in Burleson, Texas on 12.03(04).21. No one speaks with more medical authority than Dr. Pete. A must listen and must share! "People on TV don't know the data... This myocarditis is a killer in children... Sesame Street trying to seduce children into taking a dangerous drug... 85% of those who died from Covid-19 could have been saved with Early Covid-19 treatment" and more.
Dave Vance: Omicron Hype Gathers Pace 12.07.21 mp3 5 mb. 8m
U.K. Based Dave Vance reveals the true nature of the Omicron media shit storm in Britain and America.
U.K. Funeral Director Update 12.07.21 mp3 6 mb. 7m
Well, it's beginning to happen, just as predicted by those such are Dr. TenPenny. The vaxxed are beginning to die in high numbers due to coronary and blood clot issues, but U.K. autopsy officials remain uninterested. Funeral Director John O'Looney gives an update. 120621.
Del Bigtree: Omicron Variant Reality 12.07.21 mp3 12 mb. 19m
From: The Highwire... Reality check... HELLO... Omnicron has mild symptoms, is easily treatable, and NO deaths... but, MSM and government drones say: run out quickly and get the experimental potentially lethal gene therapies, and get boosted with more experimental crap (with vaccines that do not address Delta, and certainly NOT this new variant). This is a great wake up vid. The bottom line to remember is that pressuring the Covid-19 virus to evolve, via mandatory vaccines will probably NOT end well... as it encourages deadlier mutations (luckily this is not one of them - at least to the unvaxxed.) The vaxxed are spreading it, not the unvaxxed.
TAJ: Omicron Variant Update 12.07.21 mp3 7 mb. 10m
The MILD and potentially pandemic ENDING variant: Omicron, is being used by the MSM to initiate even greater lock downs and controls - as in NYC. The new variant evolved from ***vaxxed individuals***, was recently focused on in S.A., targets the vaxxed, is spread by the vaxxed... yet, happily: VERY MILD TO THE UNVAXXED. However, it might provide the opportunity for Covid-19 broad spectrum natural immunity - if the unvaxxed get Omicron, natural immunity being far safer to any vaccines yet produced. Is this the covid strain to get? (It might be... Too early to say at presence, but it's looking good for those smart enough NOT to have taken one of the potentially deadly experimental drug therapies. And, it's spreading like crazy in the U.K.
PFIZER LEAKED SAFETY DATA - Via General McInerney 12.07.21 pdf 1 mb. na
Via General McInerney's Telegram 12.01.21, General McInerney: "Have you seen the document dump on the Pfizer vaccine data? It's a bombshell. No wonder the FDA fought to keep it hidden for 55 years. Here is the quick takeaway: By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of death allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders. Bear in mind; this is Pfizer's own data..."
HOT New AMA Study - Vax doubles MI risk! 12.06.21 mp3 10 mb. 18m
BOMBSHELL - Alarm. AMA Releases New Study in "Circulation" journal: experimental MRNA Covid-19 vaccines increase 5 year risk of acute MI by doubling (2X) the risk of the unvaxxed. From 11% to 25%.
Dr. Pete on the Omicron Scarient 06.06.21 mp3 8 mb. 16m
12.06.21 - Dr. Pete weighs in with an update on the new Omicron Scarient. What we know now is that it will have lower infection ability and may see milder cases. It appears to have originated in vaxxed individuals. PCR tests will be able to easily detect Omicron. All current vaccines will not work against this variant.
HOT Dr. Pete: Truth Bomb: Vaxxes Failing & Grossly Unsafe 12.06.21 mp3 16 mb. 28m
Dr. Pete. A jam packed half hour of document referenced truth. We are a year into the program and there is no safety report offered up by the vaccine drug companies and government. Vaxxes are all experimental, people need to be told of the mortality numbers - which are huge. Vax mandates are simply B.S. Nobody remaining unvaxxed wants the dangerous experimental drug therapies. No report on efficacy, why? No safety report, pushing vaxxes to people who do not willingly consent violates the Nuremburg Code - it's not looking good for the drug companies. New studies show the vaccines have very little and limited benefit: perhaps a 1 or 2% mortality benefit at best. Pfizer very resistant to Delta (the now dominant strain), leaving the Pfizer vaxxed effectively uncovered. Spike proteins in the vaccines lasts up to 15 months (S1 & S2 segments) in the body. The six month boosters make it impossible for the body to clear the dangerous spike proteins. The boosters can do nothing, as they are not designed to protect against Delta. "The vaccines are grossly unsafe for human use." 11.26.21.
Dr. Dan Nagase on MRNA Cancer Risks. 11.24.21 12.06.21 mp3 14 mb. 14m
Dr. Daniel Nagase, a practicing respected microbiologist explains the cancer risks involved in taking in an MRNA injected spike protein vax factories; and, the enormous potential dangers to children.
Dr. Shankara Chetty Explains the Vaccines 12.06.21 mp3 5 mb. 10m
South African Dr. Shankara Chetty has treated over 5000 patients with Covid-19 without a single death in his patients. Dr. Chetty explains the true nature of the vaccine toxin and it's ultimate goal.
Dr. Peter McCullough Speech: Texas Covid Summit 12.06.21 mp3 30 mb. 40m
Fantasic outstanding speech by Dr. Pete at the Texas Covid Summit. This is a MUST LISTEN, MUST SHARE. Dr. Pete raises many important topics in the KEY SPEECH of the summit.
Dr. Ardis Speech: Texas Covid Summit 12.06.21 mp3 17 mb. 28m
"The hospitals are dangerous, don't go there." - Dr. Ardis, 11.21.21. In this lecture, Dr. Ardis gives us all the low down on what is going on when you go to the hospital in the U.S. He explains how the one drug authorized to use at American hospitals: (Remdesivir) to treat covid-19 has a mortality rate of 53.1%. Hospitals refuse to treat with multiple study proven and safe - Ivermectin. Remdesivir wrecks your kidneys and liver and is extremely toxic.
Dr. Cole Speech: Texas Covid Summit 12.06.21 mp3 16 mb. 26m
Dr. Cole clearly explains the reality of the situation concerning what the vaccine is and what it does within the human body. Learn how taking the vaccine downgrades your immune system and increases the risk of cancer. Understand how the vaccine effects the P53 gene, encouraging cancer. 11.21.21. Learn how the vaccines do not work against the Delta variant. The vaccinated are the spreaders. Only 26 minutes to enlightenment for any of your brainwashed friends or relatives - if you could only get them to listen.
HOT Texas Covid Summit - Full Program 12.06.21 mp3 98 mb. 4h 35m
The Texas Covid Summit was held 11.21.21 and received little to NO mainstream media coverage - the blackout on truth continues in the United States. This informative program includes outstanding speeches by several prominent doctors on the front line research and treatment of Covid-19. If you're not up to speed on the truth of Covid-19 early treatment and or the real nature of the vaccines, this is a great place to start. The nine medical doctors are Peter McCullough, Bryan Ardis, Ryan Cole, Angelina Farella, Katarina Lindley, Amy Offutt, Ray Page, Dan Stock, and Richard Urso.
Dr. Pete with Stew Peters: Urgent Request 11.14.21 mp3 11 mb. 26m
Dr. Pete and Stew Peters update the state of the situation regarding Covid-19, Covid-19 vaccines, etc. Topics: High viral loads now found in vaccinated individuals. Boosters failing per Israel studies. These injections are not actually vaccines. Pfizer new large study shows immunity provided by the vax wanes quickly and none of the vaxxes are adjusted for the delta variant. Dr. McCullough makes an urgent request for a full vaccine halt for review of data.
Covid-19 and the Jews 11.14.21 mp3 23 mb. 1h 1m
Tru News is ON FIRE, in this recent broadcast, inquiring about what is up with California Gov. Newsom after his vax booster shot, Astro-World deaths, the connections between Jews and Covid-19, Jewish influence in American Politics, and other intriguing topics. Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart host. Aired 11/09/21
Gov. Ron DeSantis Fighting Back: 11/04/21 11.14.21 mp3 20 mb. 25m
Nov. 4th News Conf. where Gov. DeSantis clearly defines Florida's correct response to massive federal government overreach via new bogus rules from OSHA requiring the deathvax for private businesses with 100 or more employees.
HOT Vax Created Spike Protein Deadly 11.14.21 mp3 27 mb. 1h 9m
Dr. Pete, on with Alex Jones giving an update on Covid-19 and vaccines. A must listen!
Dr. Pete - Florida Covid Summit 11.12.21 mp3 12 mb. 23m
Dr. Peter McCullough's Speech at the Florida Covid Summit 11/6/21.
McCullough Report: 10/26/21 11.12.21 mp3 18 mb. 59m
10/26/21 - McCullough Report. Topics: Hands Off Song, concerns about vaccination against children, rap song: God We Need You Now, vaccines are a menace, Pro-Vaxxers are fearful of negative vaccine truths and vaccine injuries. Great News out of Nebraska - Nebraska Attorney General filed a report stating under no circumstances would physicians in Nebraska come under medical tyranny reprisals for treating patients with Hydroxycloroquine or Ivermectin. This is now a spiritual battle, interview with Dr. Richard Amerling of America's Frontine Doctors. Medical establishment have fallen into lockstep to get the vax in everyone's arm. A giant crime against humanity. Early treatment of older Covid-19 patients imperative, CV-19 prays upon the elderly. Regeron is the answer. And more...
America Outloud: 10/25/21 11.10.21 mp3 19 mb. 59m
Voice of a Nation 10/25/21: Malcolm with Q&As for Dr. Pete on the vaccination of children and other interesting questions sent in by listeners. Very informative!
HOT Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism & Trusted Treatments vs Untested Novel Therapies 10.14.21 mp3 29 mb. 1h 5m
Here is Dr. Pete with an absolutely stunning tour-de-force speech at the 78th Annual AAPS (the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) meeting. This video is heavily buried on the MSM media sites network. Whether you have been following along with the latest developments or not, into research on Covid-19 disease, vaccines, and or early treatment - this lecture is a MUST LISTEN and will bring you up to speed.
India Declares Uttar Pradesh - COVID FREE, from use of Ivermectin 10.09.21 mp3 5 mb. 5m
Another HUGELY BURIED STORY IN THE WEST! India's largest state, Uttar Pradesh, with 241 million people, has been declared by the Indian Government, "Covid Free" - due to their early treatment multi-drug therapy, beginning with Ivermectin. Via OAN 10.02.21
Truth 2 Ponder: 10.08.21 10.09.21 mp3 18 mb. 56m
Question: "Is the future of mass truthful information going back to SHORTWAVE?" Seasoned broadcaster Bob Biermann weighs in with his unique perspective on this, Covid-19 treatment, and other issues... Acceptable Christian based commentary - worth a listen. Broadcasting globally via WRMI's massive shortwave transmitters facility in Okeechobee, Florida, U.S. Note: judiazing "Johnathan the Friendly Jew" 3 minute message - has been redacted from the podcast at the half hour point, to avoid potential cerebral stroke, in listeners.
The McCullough Report: 10.06.21 10.09.21 mp3 18 mb. 58m
Dr. Pete knocks it out of the ball park - once again, with another update and round of interesting Covid-19 Q&As with Malcolm from America Outloud. Dr. Pete provides more information in one hour, than do most MSM networks in one month! The very important topic of Medical Exemptions and how to get them, is carefully reviewed, how exactly to mix up and use dilute Povidone Iodine in the correct ratio, for gargle and nasal spray; as well as several other informative questions are addressed.
HOT TruNews Truth Bomb's Its Listeners 10.07.21 mp3 23 mb. 1h
In this courageous telecast, TruNews Leader: Pastor Rick Wiles - is ON FIRE, and comes out and names exactly WHO is running things in the Biden Administration... This blistering one hour podcast is a MUST LISTEN, and wake up call by a Christian leader, to everyone mentally blocking this now - ridiculously obvious truth! LISTEN AND WAKE UP! 10.05.21.
Dr. Bhakdi with a statement all U.K. people MUST hear! 10.07.21 mp3 4 mb. 4m
Again, the brilliant and compassionate Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi makes a brief statement on the criminal medical oppression and lies being fostered by the BBC and the British Government against the people (and children of the U.K.) concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, denial of providing effective early treatment, and the pushing of unsafe and dangerous experimental gene therapy. 10.02.21.
Dr. Bhakdi Exposes the Truth About the Dangerous Covid-19 Vaccines. 10.07.21 mp3 33 mb. 1h 2m
Fantastic! Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, and absolutely brilliant Thai/German microbiologist, MD/Ph.d who studied at University of Bonn, University of Giessen, University of Mainz, University of Copenhagen, and the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics; and also recipient of the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate... discusses the true nature of the Covid-19 vaccines and what they do within the body. 08.23.21
HOT The McCullough Report: 9.27.21 09.28.21 mp3 18 mb. 58m
New "McCullough Report" from Americaoutloud.com. This hard hitting jam packed update program is a MUST LISTEN! Hosted directly by Dr. Pete. Includes: Latest FDA meeting results: 3rd Shot / Pfizer Vaccine Booster NOT safe. U.S. medical organizations pressuring doctors all across the U.S. NOT to treat with Ivermectin on threat of loosing their licenses. Latest data studies shows patients in hospital are NOT ALL UNVACCINATED - 23% of Americans in hospital are fully or partially vaccinated. Review of standard treatment multi-drug therapy for Covid-19. NEWS: Povidone Iodine - in 1% solution used as a mouth wash and gargle, then spit out; and or as nasal spray, then blown out -- has HUGE immediate virucidal action. Can be used prophylactically or in active treatment. Being successfully used all over the world - but not in U.S. Massively reduces the viral load in the nose and mouth. Also, Natural immunity far superior than vaccine provided immunities. Vaccine provided spike proteins anti-bodies DROP by 40% per month. NO evidence for robust T cell immunity. Review of four papers showing that when the naturally immune get the vaccine they have much higher rates of severe adverse reactions. Interviews with other docs innovating in the early treatment of Covid-19. Only 500 docs in the U.S. stepping up to early treatment of Covid-19. Patients are not getting early Covid-19 treatment by the official medical profession. Reducing blood sugar, particularly in diabetics in Covid-19 patients yield great results: zero carb, zero sugar, diet and using bicycles to increase lung function in Covid-19 recovering patients works.
DeSantis Intros: AFLD Dr. Joe - FL's new Surgeon Gen. & Comments on Biden Regeneron Seizure by Evil Feds 09.22.21 mp3 17 mb. 28m
A candid news conference by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. First, the great Gov. introduces Florida's new Surgeon General: Dr. Joe Ladapo. He's a member of America's Front Line Doctors (who support Early Covid-19 Treatment and intervention). YAY! He's a supporter of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine!!! He's against vax mandates! On top of that, he's even a track star! A very intelligent Black doc from a Nigerian doc family - he's just moved to FL from the West Coast. In the later half of the conference - Ron DeSantis goes on to discuss how the Biden Government has now seized control of Florida's precious Regeneron supply, completely hampering the running of the "Infusion Centers", which have had a HUGE impact of hospitalizations and admissions in Florida. Truly, a life saving therapy - now suppressed - nearly banned by the Biden Fed Forces, simply because it doesn't fit the official vax narrative... and works too well!
Dr. Darrell - Colchicine: 2nd Phase Covid-19 Treatment 09.19.21 mp3 40 mb. 1h 9m
This is a very high level inter-doctor interview by Dr. Mobeen, with Dr. Darrell DeMello - a physician very successful in the treatment of Covid-19 in India - Dr. Darrell explains his KEY DRUG in the treatment of Covid-19, following an initial short course of Ivermectin... to suppress and terminate viral replication; but, that's only half the battle! This drug is the well known old drug for the treatment of gout - Colchicine. In this technical discussion, Dr. Mobeen & Dr. Darrell explain the mechanism by which the anti-inflammatory properties of Cholchicine, stop the 2nd phase of the disease from occurring - which can include: inflammation, microthrombosis, clotting, damage to organs, low O2 intake - damage to lungs, potential cytocine storm, stroke, and death. Remember, that the early and effective treatment of Covid-19 requires a multi-drug therapy approach as the disease progresses through its various stages. Ivermectin, then Colchicine is KEY to a successful outcome for the patient.
HOT Dr. Pete Q&A with Malcolm from America Out Loud. 09.16.21 mp3 36 mb. 59m
Critically important new Q&A by America Out Loud's Malcolm - with Dr. Peter McCullough in the hot seat. Dr. Pete unloads a tonne of KEY INFORMATION, answering people's questions, and also relating how to early treat Covid-19, how to protect against getting the virus - via a variety of "prophylactic medications", and most importantly - WHERE to get these suppressed medications that combat Covid-19. Some links mentioned: Liberty Counsel | Open Vaers | AAPS | Early Treatment Physicians | FLCCC: How to Get Ivermectin | Immune Super Boost
Dr. Rob Malone - Explosive Truth of Covid-19 Vaccines 09.15.21 mp3 40 mb. 1h 15m
Jimmy Dore interviews the inventor of the mRNA Vaccine Technology, Dr. Robert Malone with respect to Covid-19 Vaccines.
Secret Vax Ingredients Exposed 09.15.21 mp3 18 mb. 39m
Mind-Boggling InfoWars segment from high level insider: "Liberty Man" - revealing why Graphene Oxide is in the jab and where it's all going... Very scary stuff here, a science fiction type nightmare in progress - for real. And, don't discount InfoWars these days for a source of truthful information, they're now leading the charge with some of these suppressed sources and facts.
HOT Dr. Pete: Dangers of Covid Vaccines 09.14.21 mp3 52 mb. 1h 14m
Dr. Peter McCullough brings us up to date with the latest news concerning Covid-19 Vaccines dangers. Learn the real issues of the Covid-19 Vaccines. This is a must listen, and must share!
Florida Gov. to Fight Biden Vax Mandates 09.13.21 mp3 27 mb. 50m
Gov. Ron DeSantis stands up at this major news conference in Florida to go completely against President Biden's unconstitutional edict of forcing the experimental gene therapy vaccines on all private company employees with 100 or more staff. Gov. DeSantis assures the citizens of Florida, the mandate will NOT be enforced in Florida and no one there will be fired for not taking the vax.
The Story of Ivermectin 09.13.21 mp3 8 mb. 24m
The full story on the development, history, and use of Ivermectin. As usual, the media has been lying to all of us, and the usage of Ivermectin in humans is extensive, particularly in the disease of "River Blindness". Learn the truth of the suppressed drug that could have saved multitudes from severe sickness and death.
Stew Peters - ICU Nurse 09.12.21 mp3 8 mb. 11m
Riveting! A Washington state experienced ICU nurse, breaks her silence to report on Covid-19 vaccine related happenings at her hospital. The medical staff is being actively bribed with $500.00 bonuses for taking the vaccine, as well as now threatened with termination. This short interview reveals the lies of the media, as well as perfectly illustrating the denial of treatment - with drugs that can save Covid-19 patients (Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine) within the in-patient hospital setting. Hospitals in the U.S. are literally killing patients who are un-vaccinated to greater push the government narrative that the only treatment for Covid-19 is the vaccines.
Dr. Pete Clues in NZ Docs 09.10.21 mp3 53 mb. 1h 44m
Dr. Peter McCullough has a Zoom call with three New Zealand doctors and tries to bring them up to speed with Covid-19 in the United States.
Dr. Pete Addresses His Community 08.20.21 mp3 39 mb. 1h 24m
Really an EXCELLENT must listen to anyone unfamiliar with Dr. Peter McCullough and his early treatment of Covid-19. Dr. McCullough is one of America's most prominent cardiac doctors and is being completely suppressed by main stream media. His insights and research into Covid-19 early treatment, and the huge concerns with the Covid-19 vaccines come into clarity in this layman's oriented review of the issues.

Updated Infrequently